Fit for Purpose Leadership – Volume 3

Morpheus Insurance’s very own Simon Hammond has contributed hugely to the new publication ‘Fit for Purpose Leadership – volume 3’ by writing a chapter based on his 30 years of experience in the industry and 16 years experience of running his own company.
The following is taken from the press release and gives a small insight into the book:
“The aim of the ‘Fit For Purpose Leadership’ is to raise the effectiveness of workplace leadership globally. Each article in this and the earlier volumes contain original insights to enable individual leaders and teams to raise their game consistently and reliably”
Simon’s chapter titled ‘Short term gain vs Long Term Profit’ talks about how compulsory regulation has shaped the way his company deals with clients and how treating customers fairly is his company’s top priority in its line of work.
Focusing on the long-term relationship with the client and maintaining clarity from the beginning of that relationship, Simon explains how this has been key to obtaining and keeping new business clients.
A brilliant and valuable read; Fit for Purpose Leadership is available now.
Please connect with the other authors that have made this publication possible, Twitter links are below: